Municipal EV Toolkit
Transportation is responsible for 54% of Maine's greenhouse gas emissions. Maine released the state’s first climate action plan, outlining key strategies and targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. One emission-reduction goal is putting 41,000 light-duty EVs on the road in Maine by 2025 and 219,000 by 2030.
In collaboration with the Southern Maine Planning & Development Commission (SMPDC), we have created the EV Readiness Toolkit to help local leaders understand the opportunities available to electrify municipal fleet. The toolkit aims to support Maine electrification efforts by providing technical guidance on encouraging EV adoption, fleet transitions and infrastructure development. The toolkit will provide decision-makers with up-to-date information on EVs in Maine, direct guidance on best practices and timely information on technologies that municipalities can use to improve their EV readiness.
Municipalities play an important role in scaling up adoption of electric vehicles to reach statewide emission reduction targets. They can encourage EV infrastructure development through planning and policy changes, set an example by incorporating EVs into their own municipal fleets and disseminate information about EVs through stakeholder and public outreach.
How to Use the Municipal EV Toolkit
Take the EV Readiness Assessment
The EV Readiness Assessment is separated into 6 categories: Municipal Fleet, Zoning, Parking, Planning, Permitting and Coding. This assessment will help you better understand where your municipality is in its EV transition.
Review Guides to Improve Readiness
After you complete your assessment, review the guidebooks to help improve your EV readiness. The guidebooks offer resources and guidance on best practices that municipalities can use to improve their EV readiness.
Review EV Readiness Checklist
As a final step, review the municipal EV readiness roadmap and checklist. The EV roadmap can help guide municipalities through the process of becoming EV ready. The EV checklist can be downloaded and used to track your progress.