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Image by Evergreens and Dandelions


 EMPOWER – “Equitable Mobility Powering Opportunities for Workplace Electrification Readiness”

Project Mission

MCC is one of 30 Clean Cities Coalitions participating in EMPOWER, a program to install a network of EV chargers at workplaces across the country, with a special emphasis on workplaces in diverse communities. 


We will be working with businesses across Maine to help them implement workplace charging. The project is aimed at addressing equity concerns with EVSE (EV service equipment, e.g., charging stations).



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Many residents who don’t have the comfort of home charging (renters, condos, etc.) are more hesitant to adopt EVs. If residents can charge where they work instead it can help alleviate some of the charging anxiety and demand on the grid during peak hours.” 

Project Goals


workplaces engaged in conversations about workplace charging 

at least


of our employer commitments are from diverse employers in qualified opportunities zones that benefit underserved communities and people of color

at least


charging stations installed at Maine workplaces


Are You Interested In Learning More About Workplace Charging?


This project is guided by the Justice 4o initiative, a historic commitment to environmental justice by the Biden Administration. It requires 40 percent of the overall benefits of certain Federal investments flow to disadvantaged communities that are marginalized, underserved, and overburdened by pollution.


President Biden made this historic commitment when he signed Executive Order 14008 within days of taking office


We will utilize the Climate and Economic Justice Screening tool, a geospatial mapping tool, to identify disadvantaged communities that are marginalized, underserved, and overburdened by pollution.


Check out the tool here.




Workplace Charging Testimonials 


ReVision Energy

We caught up with Barry Woods from ReVision Energy to learn more about their workplace charging 

Funding for EV Charging Infrastructure

*Coming Soon*

Maine Clean Communities
Hosted by
Greater Portland Council of Governments
970 Baxter Blvd, Portland, ME 04103

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